

Delete A Repost On TikTok Like A Pro - A Step-by-Step Guide

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Delete A Repost On TikTok Like A Pro - A Step-by-Step Guide

Your Guidebook For Deleting A Repost On Tiktok

Social media is all about being seen and heard. If you use TikTok, you must know that it is one of the social media platforms where you get to craft your profile in the best way that suits your interests! You get to post your favorite pictures and videos you took at a party, of the dress you wore that day, or maybe of a sunrise, you get to witness when you were returning home after an overwhelming and tiring night job. You can celebrate your joy and exhilaration with others by posting videos and pictures of the moments you treasure the most.

TikTok also has a repost feature where you can share an original video of someone on TikTok; since you liked the content because you found it funny or exciting, you decided to share it on your profile.

However, you changed your mind after a while and want to delete that repost. 

But why would someone want to remove a repost?

Why Delete a Repost?

Selecting the content you share with your audience with care and full responsibility is essential. It does not only build your persona but also unconsciously affects the TikTok user watching it. 

Some of the reasons why people want to delete a repost video on TikTok are:

  1. Changed of Mind: reposting takes seconds, and a person might repost because he liked it too much. But after giving it a meaningful thought, a person might find the TikTok repost inappropriate for the content they post.   
  2. Repost by Accident: Humans make mistakes, which is precisely why TikTok offers a remove repost option. It's normal to tap on the repost button by accident.   
  3. Appealing Profile: After much content and reposts on TikTok, the TikTok account might need to look more attractive. So you might delete reposts on TikTok and keep only the videos you want. It will give a cleaner look and help you keep the relevant content on your profile.

How To Delete A Repost On TikTok

If you have reposted someone else's video on TikTok, it's easier to delete than you might think!

Let me guide you through it step-wise:

Step 1: Sign in to Your TikTok

First, open the TikTok app on your device. 


Step 2: Tap on Your Profile

At the bottom right corner of your screen, tap the profile icon feature on TikTok. You'll find the video among the uploaded videos once you scroll through your profile page on the TikTok app.


Step 3: Tap on the Repost Icon

The repost icon on TikTok is among the icons of "favorite" and "liked" TikTok videos.


Step 4: Tap on the Reposted Video

Tap on the reposted video you want to delete from your TikTok account.


Step 5: Tap on the Repost Button

Navigate your screen, and see an arrow in the bottom right corner. Tap on the repost button.


Step 6: Tap on “Remove Repost”

Tap on "Remove repost". TikTok will automatically delete the repost from your profile.


Another Way To Delete A Repost On TikTok

Reposting a video on TikTok is more straightforward, so accidental reposting is possible while scrolling through the TikTok videos. Here's another way if you want to undo or remove TikTok video. So read ahead!

Step 1: Scroll Up or Down

Scroll through the TikTok videos to find the video you accidentally reposted.

Step 2: Locate and Tap on the Three Dots

Navigate your screen, and among those options, you'll see three dots arranged vertically like an ellipsis popping in the bottom right corner of your screen. Tap on the three dots.


Step 3: Tap on "Reposted this Video"

hold and tap on the option "reposted this video" to undo the repost.


Step 4: Tap on "Remove Repost."

It will directly delete the video you reposted. 


Tips And Suggestions

Here are some tips for effectively removing the repost on TikTok from your profile.

  1. Double-Check: After deleting the video, reload the page and check whether the TikTok video is still on your TikTok profile or has been successfully removed. Sometimes apps malfunction, too, so double-check your profile.   
  2. Privacy Settings: If you've trouble finding the delete option in the video's menu, check your privacy settings. TikTok may have introduced new features related to reposts or privacy settings that affect deletion. Look for any privacy settings related to reposts and adjust them accordingly.   
  3. App Updates: One crucial step is ensuring that your TikTok app is up-to-date. If you have an auto-update system on your phone, the app will update automatically; if not, you'll have to check for updates in the app. New features and options are introduced in-app updates that could make it easier to manage reposts.   
  4. Contact TikTok Support: If you cannot undo a repost on TikTok despite trying the above steps, consider contacting TikTok support for assistance. They can provide guidance or resolve any issues preventing you from deleting reposts on TikTok.


Keep in mind that TikTok is more about creativity and self-expression. Building an interesting and catchy profile is very important. So it is highly recommended to:

  1. Review Before Reposting: To avoid the need to delete or repost on TikTok in the first place, take a moment to review videos thoroughly before reposting them. Make sure the shared content resonates with your image and values.   
  2. Organizing Your Profile: Occasionally, review your profile to ensure it reflects the content you want to showcase. Deleting reposts that no longer fit your style or message can help keep your profile clean and attractive.   
  3. Adjust Privacy Settings: You can also adjust your privacy settings to control TikTok reposts and who can repost your videos. It prevents unwanted reposts on your profile.

To wrap up, on TikTok, you can share the content of other TikTok users using the repost button. But If you accidentally repost a video on TikTok, you can always undo the repost by following the above steps!


Hannah Roberts

Hannah Roberts

Hannah Roberts, an accomplished writer bringing her unique perspective in this website. Her articles are not just pieces of information; they are immersive journeys, that resonate with our audience. Delve into the intricacies of the world through Hannah's informed approach for each piece!